
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Value of

Just to be clear, I don't work for or in any way get any kind of kickback for mentioning them.  I know I've been singing their praises pretty hot and heavy so far and it might be looking a little suspicious.  When I got started working on my family tree, I didn't know where to start and I knew that they were, arguably, the Top Dogs in the genealogy game. Certainly there are many more websites where you can find information about your family, but for me, gave me a stable place from which to begin.  They gave me....roots...if you will. 😉 They will even let you keep your tree on their site for free (at least they did in the past...I assume that is still true, but don't know that for fact). You do need to subscribe to access most documents, but it sure beats the heck out of all the airline tickets you would have to buy to visit all the county courthouses and churches and cemeteries you would have to visit without their services.  Because the...

Starting Your Family Tree With What You Know

Write what you know. This has been preached to every creative writing student since the beginning of time. It's so ingrained in my psyche, that I've had to work hard to overcome it in my writing. If I only wrote what I knew about, I wouldn't have written even half of the things I've published over the years. But this IS good advice for beginning your family tree ~ begin with what you know. I had been marginally interested in our family tree for many decades.  My paternal grandparents prepared a scrapbook for my dad and his siblings with old photos of grandparents and great-grandparents on their side of the family when I 20-30 years old.  It was interesting, but I was too busy being a young person to put too much thought into it. My maternal grandmother had a similar photo album/scrapbook, but she also had a loose family tree she had written down for reasons I never knew or no longer remember. I don't even know if she wrote it or if her Aunt Helen did. (I think...

Getting Started Blogging Our Family Tree

Whew! This was not an easy task, deciding how to move forward with this part of my family tree project. Blog or website? Website or blog? To heck with it all and continue with the paper stacks I am optimistically calling a "filing system?" I wasn't sure what the best platform would be to allow me to organize and share all the information I'm gathering. I was afraid to pull the trigger in either direction. Then it occurred to me that for a website, I would have to purchase a domain and pay for web hosting. That made the decision considerably easier. The blog will largely be my process as I search for my family history. The ups, the downs, the good and the bad. Certainly anyone going through this process can relate to all of those things. Maybe (hopefully) some of you will have ideas and suggestions for working around the road blocks. Maybe I'll even be able to return the favor.  I'll have separate pages for various family lines so that you only have to wa...